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Business to business, business to end user, if the package does not arrive in good shape, the business has a problem. Damaged packaging means unsaleable, unusable, and unacceptable products. It means returns from unhappy customers, it tests customer loyalty, and it costs businesses billions every year. In these days, the internet offers new options and opens new doors. It also increases the demand for immediate and improved service. A supply chain depends on seamless operation, and logistics demands the best in delivery systems. After all, end users do not really care who is at fault when their product arrives in damaged condition. Every link in a supply chain has its own cost. And, each of those costs add to the price of the final product.
Competitive businesses feel they are already working close to the bone, and their margins take a direct hit with every damaged container. The container may hold boxes of dry goods, fresh food, electronics and peripherals, glass or other breakables, or any of the goods that feed the economy. Angle Board provides protective support to containers during storage, handling, and shipping. And, the following explores their make-up, applications, and values to originating business and end user customer.
Angle Boards are rigid angles that reinforce the edges on corners, tops, and bottoms of boxes. They may do the same to protect the corners of stacked containers. They may reinforce the interior corners of containers. And, they protect against the stress and friction of straps and restraints.
Packaging, shipping, and logistics – the most vulnerable places on packages at at the edges of containers. Lifted, moved, and shipped – packages of all sizes will collide, fall, and/or shift. Corner board is the most efficient, simple, and reliable way to protect edges, strengthen boxes, facilitate stacking, and protect against strapping.
In logistics, damaged goods impact the vendors more than the customers. Any supply chain is only as good as its received goods. Originators – in food, healthcare, appliances, electronics, food, and everything else deliverable – know that, to customers, damaged packaging means carelessness, poor quality, bad service, and lost time. Vendors lose revenue when customers are not happy.
Using Angle Board on packaging cost-effectively replace wood or metal protectors to strengthen containers and palletized goods. They protect against blows to the edges and corners and they prevent scratches and damage from cables and other wraps. They can be sized to any container and be used to advertise brand and logo.
Angle Boards are manufactured from layers of 100% recycled paper formed with water-based adhesives and coated with biodegradable and water resistance coatings.
When product containers are cubed-off, that is, configured on a pallet, corner boards stretched across the top edges all around will keep the stack configured as a column. The weight of the load and the pallet plus the number of pallets to be stacked would decide the caliper of the corner board.
Angle Boards at the vertical edges permit layers of stacks depending on the weight of the product, the weight of the pallet, and the means to secure the corner boards; that is, whether or not they are secured by sheet wrap or strapping. All these factors and the number of pallets stacked determine the size and strength of the corner board.
Angle Boards support containers at the inside corners. These supports reduce the amount of corrugation in the boxing material.
Cables and strapping are used to keep stacks secure and in place. Ironically, the tension used can damage the containers they mean to protect. Placement of corner boards at vertical and horizontal edges accept and redistribute that tension and pressure.
Angle Boards are placed to repel and absorb impact at vertical container edges. These protectors will also protect the horizontal edges of individual or stacked products. And, they will protect against forklift damage if placed on bottom edges.
Continuously punched and thus particularly flexible: that characterises our notched edge protector. With it you can safely protect round or arched edges against damage in transit.